Baldwin, R.N., ed. (1927) Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets.
Toronto; London. New York: Dover Press, 1970.
Borovoi, A. A., ed. (1923). Dneunik P. A. Kropotkina.
Capouya, E & Tompkins, K. (eds.) (1975). The Essential
Kropotkin. New York: Liveright.
Kropotkin, P. (1873). "Dolzhnyi-li my zaniat'sia rassmotreniem
ideala budushchego stroia?" Published originally in abridged
form in Byloe, no. 17 (1921), and in complete form for
the first time in B. S. Itenberg, ed., Revoliutsionnoe
narodnichestvo. Moscow: Nauka, 1964. 1:55-118. Translated
into English as "Must We Occupy Ourselves with an Examination
of the Ideal of a Future System" in P. Kropotkin, Selected
Writings on Anarchism and Revolution, pp. 46-116.
--- (1873). Pugachev ili bunt 1773 goda . Geneva.
--- (1876). "A propos de la question d'Orient", Bulletin de la
Fèdèration Jurassienne de l'Association Internationale des
Travailleurs. [Hereafter: Bulletin.], September 24.
--- (1876). "Research on the Ice age", Notices of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society
--- (1877). "Nouvelles de l'extérieur: Russie." Bulletin, 1,
April 15, May 6, 13, June 10, September 2, December 2, 23.
--- (1877). [Untitled article on 8-hour day in USA]. Bulletin, June 10.
--- (1877). "Les Trades Unions." Bulletin, May 27; June 17, 24; July 17.
--- (1877). [Untitled article on war in the Orient]. Bulletin, June 17, 24.
--- (1877). [Untitled article on socialist deviationism]. Bulletin, July
22, 29.
--- (1877). "Affaires d'Amérique."Bulletin, August 5.
--- (1877). "Bulletin international". L'Avant-Garde. (On Pittsburgh
--- (1877). "Le Vorwärts et le peuple russse". Bulletin, August 12.
--- (1879). "Idée anarchiste au point de vue de sa réalisation
pratique." Le Révolté. November 1, 1879. Translated
into English in Freedom. October, 1901.
--- (1879). Le Procès de Solovieff . Geneva.
--- (1879). "La Situation". Le Révolté, March 3.
--- (1879). "La Décomposition des Etats". Le Révolté, April 5.
--- (1880). "L'Année 1879". Le Révolté, January 10.
--- (1880). "La Prochaine Revolution". Le Révolté February 7.
--- (1880). "Le Gouvernement représentatif". Le Révolté, March 6.
--- (1880). "La Commune de Paris." Le Révolté, March 20.
--- (1880). "Les Pendaisons en Russie". Le Révolté .
--- (1880). "La Commune". Le Révolté, April 3.
--- (1880). "Aux Jeunes Gens". Le Révolté, June 25; July 10; August 7, 21.
--- (1880). "La Question agraire". Le Re'volte, September 18.
--- (1880). "Les Élections". Le Révolté, December 25.
--- (1880). Speech at Jura Federation Conference, Le Révolté, October 17
--- (1881). "L'Année 1880". Le Révolté, January 8.
--- (1881). "Les Ennemis du peuple". Le Révolté, Feabruary 5.
--- (1881). "La Commune de Paris". Le Révolté, March 18.
--- (1881). "La Situation en Russie". Le Révolté, March 18.
--- (1881). La Véritésur les exécutions en Russie. Geneva.
--- (1881). "L'Espirit de Révolté." Le Révolté.
May 14-July 19.
--- (1881). "Tous socialistes". Le Révolté, September 17.
--- (1881). "L'Ordre" and probably also 'La Ligue des Trades Unions". Le
Révolté October 1.
--- (1881). "Les Minorités révolutionnaires". Le Révolté,
November 26.
--- (1881). "L'Organisation ouvrière". Le Révolté December 10, 24.
--- (1882). "The Russian Revolutionary Party". The Newcastle Chronicle
October 12.
--- (1882). "The Russian Revolutionary Party." Fortnightly Review.
--- (1882). "L'Expropriation." Le Révolté. November 25-
December 23, 1882. A revised and expanded brochure edition
appeared in English in 1886.
--- (1882). La Guerre. Geneva: Le Révolté.
--- (1882). "Les Droits politiques". Le Révolté, February 18.
--- (1882). "Théorie et pratique". Le Révolté, March 4.
--- (1882). "L'Anniversaire du 18 mars". Le Révolté, April 1.
--- (1882). "La Loi de l'autorité". Le Révolté, May 19, 27,
August 5, 9.
--- (1882). "Le Gouvernement pendant la révolution". Le Révolté,
September 9, 16; October 14.
--- (1882). "Les Préludes de la révolution". Le Révolté,
October 28.
--- (1882). "La Situation en France". Le Révolté, December 9.
--- (1882). "L'Expropriation". Le Révolté, November 25; December 23.
--- (1883). "Russian Prisons". The Nineteenth Century.
--- (1883). "The Fortress Prison of St Petersburg". The Nineteenth
Century, June.
--- (1883). "Outcast Russia", The Nineteenth Century, December,
pp. 963-76.
--- (1884). "Exile in Siberia". The Nineteenth Century, March, pp. 475-93.
--- (1885). "Finland: a Rising Nationality". The Nineteenth Century.
March, pp. 527-46.
--- (1885). Paroles d'un Révolté. ed. Elisée Reclus.
Paris: Flammarion. Montreal; New York: Black Rose Books, 1992. [English version]
--- (1885). "What Geography Ought to Be." The Nineteenth Century. V.18,
pp. 940-56.
--- (1886). The Place of Anarchism in Socialistic Evolution.
Address delivered in Paris, translated by H.Glasse. First appeared
in Le Révolté, March 28-May 9; London: William
--- (1886). "L'Expropriation". Le Révolté, February 14.
--- (1886). "Anarchy in Socialist Evolution". Le Révolté,
March 28-May 9.
--- (1886). "Comment on s'enrichit". Le Révolté, May 29-July 3.
--- (1886). "La Pratique de l'expropriation". Le Révolté, July 10-17.
--- (1886). "La Guerre sociale". Le Révolté, September 11-17.
--- (1886). "Les Ateliers nationaux". Le Révolté, September 25-
October 1.
--- (1887) In Russian and French Prisons. London: Ward and Downey.
Reprinted, 1971, introduction, P. Avrich. New York: Schocken
and 1991, introduction by G. Woodcock, Montreal; New York:
Black Rose Books.
--- (1887). "The Coming Anarchy". The Nineteenth
Century. XXII (126), August, pp. 149-64.
--- (1887). "The Scientific Basis of Anarchy". The
Nineteenth Century. XXI, February, pp. 238-58. (pdf)
--- (1887). L'Anarchie Dans L'evolution socialiste. Paris: Au Bureau du Révolté.
Conférence faite à la Salle Levis, 31pp.
--- (1888). "The Industrial Village of the Future." Nineteenth Century, pp. 513-530.
--- (1888). "Le Salariat". La Révolte, August 26-September 30.
--- (1889). "The Great French Revolution and its Lesson." The Nineteenth Century. V.25,
pp. 838-51.
--- (1889). "Le centenaire de la révolution". La Révolte,
June 30-September 21.
--- (1889). "Ce que ctest qutune gréve". La Révolte, September 7.
--- (1890). "Brain Work and Manual Work." The Nineteenth Century. March,
pp. 456-475.
--- (1890). "La morale anarchiste au point de vue de sa réalisation
pratique." Le Révolté. March 1-April 16, 1890.
--- (1890). "Le Mouvement ouvrier en Angleterre". La Révolte,
September 1890.
--- (1890). "Le Premier Mai 1891", La Révolte, October 18.
--- (1890). "Le Premier Mai", La Révolte, November 1.
--- (1890). "Mutual Aid Among Animals, 1." The Nineteenth Century, v. 25,
September, pp. 337-354.
--- (1890). "Mutual Aid Among Animals, 2." The Nineteenth Century, v. 25,
November, pp. 669-719.
--- (1891). "La Morale anarchiste . Paris.
--- (1891). Anarchist-Communism: Its Basis and Principles. London.
--- (1891). "Les Gréves anglaises". La Révolte, Februray 21;
March 18.
--- (1891). "L'Entente". La Révolte, April 11.
--- (1891). "Etude sur la Révolution." Le Révolté.
July 10-November 7, 1891. Translated as "Revolutionary Studies."
Commonweal. London: 1892.
--- (1891). "Message to delegates at the meeting of British and French Trade
Unionists". Freedom. September.
--- (1891). "La Mort de la nouvelle Internationale". La Révolte
October 17.
--- (1891). "Mutual Aid Among Savages", The Nineteenth Century, XXIX, April
pp. 538-559.
--- (1891). "The Commune of Paris," Freedom Pamphlets No. 2, London: Freedom Press.
--- (1891). "Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles," Freedom Pamphlets No. 4, London
--- (1892). "Mutual Aid Among Barbarians", The Nineteenth Century, XXXI, January,
pp. 101-122.
--- (1892). La Conquête du Pain. Paris: Stock.
--- (1892). "Affaire de Chambles". La Révolte, January 16.
--- (1892). "Le Terrorisme". La Révolte, April 23.
--- (1892). "Explication". La Révolte, June 18.
--- (1892). "The Spirit of Revolt". Commonweal.
--- (1893). "On the Teaching of Physiography." Geographic Journal, vol. 2,
pp. 350-359.
--- (1893). "L'agriculture." Paris: Au bureau de La Révolte.
--- (1893). Advice to Those About to Emigrate." Freedom, March, p14.
--- (1893). Speech on Anarchism at Grafton Hall. Freedom, April.
--- (1893). "Les Principes dans la révolution". La Révolte,
December 17.
--- (1893). Un Siècle d'attente. Paris.
--- (1894). Les Temps nouveaux . Paris.
--- (1894). "Mutual Aid In the Mediæval City." The Nineteenth Century, v. 36,
pp. 183-202, August; pp. 397-418, September.
--- (1895). "The Commune of Paris". Freedom Pamphlets, no. 2, London: W. Reeves.
--- (1895). ""The Present Condition in Russia." The Nineteenth Century. V. 38,
pp. 519-35.
--- (1896). L'anarchie: sa philosophie, son idéal: conference qui
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--- (1896). "L'Anarchie dans L'Evolution socialiste." Le Révolté,
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--- (1896) An Appeal to the Young London: W. Reeves.
--- (1896). "Mutual Aid Amongst Modern Men." The Nineteenth Century,
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--- (1896). "Mutual Aid Amongst Ourselves," The Nineteenth Century, XXXIX,
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--- (1897). La Grande Grève des Docks. (with John
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--- (1898). Anarchism: its philosophy and ideal. San Francisco:
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--- (1899). "Césarisme". Les Temps Nouveaux, December 3-January 21.
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--- (1901). Modern Science and Anarchism. London. In Russian.
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--- (1901). The Development of Trade Unionism. London.
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Black Rose Books, 1990.
Here is a somewhat differently organized, but largely redundant, bibliography prepared by Iain McKay.