-GÉRMEN. Monthly Sociology magazine. The issue released on April brings selected colaboration. Sux is a working boy that based on his wanting, will make of Gérmen an even better concept.
-THE SOCIALIST ACTION. This is a well-written paper. The 40th issue is dedicated entirely to the Congress of Unification. It is a useful document that was missing. We only partly participated in its authors' opinion, who say, regarding the delegates of the F.O.R.A.
In respect of the treacherous triumphs of the sect, the victories of the working class must be postponed.
There was the passion of conviction, but only that. And a bad will on behalf of everyone, which was detrimental to the workers.
-THIRD MEMORY, corresponding to the fourth Congress of the General Union of Workers, which took place in the year (p. Pdo). It's a demonstration of the praiseworthy socialist labor. More that 300 conferences, with an audience approximating 112,800 in numbers, about different topics on Sociology.
-OF LIGHT AND IRON. Prose, by Alejandro Sux. Poetry, by Mario Chiloteguy. These two colleagues have published reccommendable articles. Sux is an individualist that has not reached individuality yet, but for the rest, he is a scholar.