Regarding Chiloteguy, he is a writer; his verses are fierce and sonorous. Both young, they are well off, unified fighters, under the same luminous flag. Tomorrow we shall salute Sux as a great psychologist and Chiloteguy as a great poet.
-THE PROGRESS OF THE MOUTH. Year XI. Issue 571 Is perhaps the only newspaper obituary that has evolved. It does not go against the sloth of the local authorities or praise the sectional public police offices, but strikes the homeland and the monks pretty hard, and laughs at all the lies of our wild civilization.
Are you looking for yourself? Well you are not yet yours. Are you wondering what you should be? Well, you aren't. -Stirner
The sickly are the biggest danger to Man; but not the corrupt and the fiends. The unfortunate, the defeated, the naturally powerless, those are the bad ones, the worst ones... -Nietzche.
It is useless to request copies of the first issue; this series is completely sold out and out of print.
We beg our collaborators to briefly send us any material they dedicate to the extraordinary issue on LABOR of May 1st.