A Comprehensive Anarchist Bibliography
Books and articles dealing with anarchism in general can be found here. Books and articles dealing with specific theorists and movements are linked to the appropriate archive sites.
A very select bibliography can be found here.
General Works
Aldred, Guy A. (1940). Pioneers of Anti-Parliamentarism. Glasgow:
Bakunin Press.
Allmer, Patricia, ed. (2009) Angels of Anarchy: Women Artists and Surrealism.
Munich, New York: Prestel.
Amster, Randall (2003). "Restoring (Dis)Order: Sanctions, Resolutions,
and 'Social Control' in Anarchist Communities," Contemporary Justice
Review, March,2003, v. 6, n.1, pp. 9-16.
Anarchist-Communist Principles - Draft 2, from Tamiment Library, NYU.
Anarchist Gallery (1986). A brief history of anarchism in Greece.
Oakland: Barricade Books.
Anarchy (1987). A Decade of anarchy 1961-1970: selections
from the monthly journal Anarchy. London: Freedom Press.
Anderson, C. R. (1998). All-American anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and
the labor movement. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press.
Andersen, Benedict (2005). Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the
Anti-Colonial Imagination. New York: Verso Books.
Antliff, Allan (2001). Anarchist Modernism: Art, Politics, and the
First American Avant-garde. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Antliff, Allan (2005). Only A Beginning: An Anarchist Anthology.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press.
Apter, D. and Joll, J. (eds.)(1971). Anarchism Today.
London: Macmillan; Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Armand, E. (1962). Anarchism and Individualism; Three Essays.
Bristol: S. E. Parker.
Aroldi, Cesare Enrico (1979). L'essenza dell'anarchismo. Catania:
Avrich, P. (1988). Anarchist Portraits. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Baldelli, G. (1971). Social Anarchism. Chicago: Aldine,
Balkanski, Georges. Histoire du mouvement libertaire en Bulgarie:
esquisse. Antony: Ed. du groupe Fresnes-Antony de la
Fédération anarchiste, 1982.
Barber, B. (1939). Superman and common men; freedom, anarchy,
and the revolution. New York, NY: Praeger.
Barclay, H. (1982). People without Government: An
Anthropology of Anarchism. London: Kahn &
Averill with Cienfuegos Press.
--- (1994). Culture and Anarchism. New York, Freedom Press.
Barker, J. (1986). Individualism and Community: The
State in Marx and Early Anarchism. New York:
Greenwood Press.
Barrett, G. (1921). Objections to Anarchism. London:
Freedom Press.
Basch, V. (1904). L'individualisme Anarchiste Max Stirner.
F. Alcan.
Bayer, O. (1985). Anarchism and Violence: Severino Di
Giovanni in Argentina, 1923-1931. London:
Elephant Editions.
Berdyaev, Nicolas (1952). The Realm of Spirit and Realm of Cesar
New York: Harper and Brothers.
Berg, H. van den. (1999). Avantgarde und Anarchismus: Dada in Zurich und
Berlin. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag C. Winter.
Berkman, A., et al. (2003). Under the Yoke of the State: Selected
Anarchist Responses to Prison and Crime. Kate Sharpley Library.
Berman, P. (1972). Quotations from the Anarchists.
New York: Praeger.
Berneri, M. L. (1951). Journey through Utopia. Boston:
Beacon Press.
Blatt, M. H. (1983). The anarchism of Ezra Heywood (1829-1893):
abolition, labor reform, and free love. Boston: Boston
University Press.
--- (1989). Free Love and Anarchism: The Biography of Ezra Heywood
Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Bonanno, A. M. (1976). Anarchism and the national liberation
struggle. Port Glasgow: Bratch Dubh Publications.
--- (1977). Critique of syndicalist methods: trade-unionism
to anarcho-syndicalism. Port Glasgow: Bratch Dubh Publications.
Bose, A. (1967). A history of anarchism. Calcutta: World
Bourne, R.S. (1947). The State. Resistance Press.
Braun, C. and C. Einstein. (1987). Zwischen Asthetik und Anarchismus.
Munchen: Zu Leben und Werk eines expressionistischen Schriftstellers.
Brewster, H. B. (1887). The Theories of Anarchy and of Law.
A Midnight Debate. London, Edinburgh: Williams and Norgate.
Brooks, Frank H., ed. (1994). The Individual Anarchists: An anthology of
Liberty (1881-1908). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
Brown, L. S. (1993). The Politics of Individualism:
Liberalism, liberal feminism and anarchism.
Montreal: Black Rose Books.
Cafard, Max (2003). The Surre(gion)alist Manifesto.
New Orleans: Exquisite Corpse.
Call, Lewis (2008)."A is for anarchy, V is for Vendetta: images of Guy Fawkes and the
creation of postmodern anarchism." Anarchist Studies. 16.2 (Autumn-Winter) p154.
Canton, A. N. (1974). Anarchism: The Political Philosophy of
Hermann Hesse. M.A. Thesis, College of William & Mary.
Cappelletti, A. J., ed. (1990). El Anarquismo en America Latina,
Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho.
Carlsson, Chris (2008). Nowtopia: How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw
Bicyclists, and Vacant-Lot Gardeners Are Inventing the Future Today!.
AK Press
Carroll, J. (1974). Breakout from the Crystal Palace:
The Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner, Nietzsche,
Dostoevsky. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Carter, A. (1971). The Political Theory of Anarchism.
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Chapelier, E. & Gassy, M. (1908). Anarchists & The International
Language Esperanto. London.
Christie, S. (2000). We, The Anarchists! A study of the Iberian Anarchist
Federation (FAI) 1927-1937. Meltzer press/Jura Media.
Christoyannopoulos, Alexandre, "Christian Anarchism: A Forgotten Alternative
for the Peaceful Ordering of Society." Political Studies Association
April 4-6, 2006. [pdf revised version]
Clark, John P. (1978). "What Is Anarchism?" in J. Roland Pennock, & John W. Chapman, eds.,
Anarchism: Nomos XIX. New York: New York University Press.
--- (1984). The Anarchist Moment: Reflections
on Culture, Nature and Power. Montreal: Black
Rose Books.
--- (2005). "Anarchism," Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, edited by Bron Taylor
(London & New York: Continuum.
Cleminson, Richard (1995). "Anarchism, Ideology and Same-Sex Desire."
London: Kate Sharpley Library.
Cohen, Joseph J. and Alexis C. Ferm (2006), The Modern School of Stelton
Jackson Heights, NY: Southpaw Culture Factory School.
Cole, G.D.H. (1954). A History of Socialist Thought.
Volume 2. Marxism and Anarchism. London:
Comfort, A. (1994). Against Power and Death: the Anarchist
Articles and Pamphlets of Alex Comfort. Edited with
an introduction by David Goodway. London: Freedom Press.
Costantini, F. (1975). The Art of Anarchy. 43 Plates. Sanday,
Orkney: Cienfuegos.
Crone, P. (2000). "Ninth-Century Muslim Anarchists" Past and Present
167 , pp. 3-28
Cronin, James E. (1983). "Labor Insurgency and Class Formation: Comparative
Perspectives on the Crisis of 1917-1920 in Europe," in Cronin and Sirianni,
eds., Work, Community, and Power: The Experience of Labor in Europe and
America, 1900-1925. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Crowder, G. (1991). Classical Anarchism: The Political
Thought of Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, and
Kropotkin. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
D'Agostino, A. (1977). Marxism and the Russian
Anarchists. San Francisco: Germinal Press.
Damico, L. (1987). The Anarchist Dimension of
Liberation Theology. New York: Lang.
Déjacque, Joseph (1858). L'Humanisphère Utopie Anarchique.
Shawn P. Wilbur's English translation.
De Jasay, A. (1997). Against Politics: On Government,
Anarchy, and Politics. New York: Routledge.
De Leon, D. (1919). Socialism versus anarchism: a
lecture delivered at Boston, October 13, 1901.
New York: National Executive Committee, Socialist
Labor Party.
Dennison, Elizabeth Jane (1986). The dilemma of practicing
theory: Peter Kropotkin, Alexander Berkman, and "Propaganda
by the deed".
Deville, Gabriel Pierre. (1886). Der Anarchismus. New York:
National Executive Committee of the Socialist Labor Party.
Doctor, A.H. (1964). Anarchist Thought in India.
Bombay: Asia Publishing House.
Drachkovitch, M. M. (ed.) (1966). The Revolutionary Internationals.
Dulles, J.W. (1973). Anarchists and Communists in
Brazil, 1900-1935. Austin: University of
Texas Press.
Durant, Will (1914). Socialism and Anarchism. New York:
A. and C. Boni.
Edwards, P. (1997). Pathways to anarchism. Brookfield,
Vt.: Ashgate.
Egbert, D. D. (1967). Socialism and Art in the Light of European
Utopianism, Marxism, and Anarchism. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
Ehrlich, H., Ehrlich, C., DeLeon, D. and Morris, G.,
eds. (1974). Reinventing Anarchy: What Are
Anarchists Thinking These Days? London; Boston:
Routledge & K. Paul.
Elliott, W. (1928). The pragmatic revolt in politics;
syndicalism, fascism, and the constitutional state.
New York: Macmillan.
Ellul, J. (1991) Anarchy and Christianity [Anarchie
et christianisme]; translated by Geoffrey
W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans.
Eltzbacher, P. (1887). Der anarchismus und seine trager:
enthullunge aus dem lager der anarchisten, von, verfasser
der Londoner briefe in der Kolnischen. Berlin: Neufeld.
--- (1960). Anarchism: Exponents of the
Anarchist Philosophy. trans. S.T. Byington,
ed. J.J. Martin. Plainview NY: Books for
Libraries, 1972; Anarchismus. New York: B.R. Tucker, 1908.
Encyclopedie Anarchiste. (1934) Paris : Librairie
Internationale. [Download complete pdf file (1.1GB)]
Epstein, Barbara (2001). "Anarchism and the Anti-globalization Movement."
Monthly Review. vol. 53, No. 4, Jan. 2011.
Falk, Richard. "Anarchism and World Order." In Nomos XIX: Anarchism,
edited by J. Roland Pennock and John Chapman. New York: New York
University Press, 1979.
Fenn, Richard (1979). The Spirit of Revolt: Anarchism and
the Cult of Authority. New York, Rowman and Littlefield.
Ferm, Elizabeth Byrne (2005). Freedom in Education. Berkeley: SPD.
Fishbein, Leslie (1982). Rebels in Bohemia: The Radicals of the Masses, 1911-1917.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina.
Fischler, S. and J. Sucher, producers and directors (1997).
Free voice of labor--the Jewish anarchists. [videorecording]
New York, NY: Cinema Guild.
Fleming, M. (1979). The Anarchist Way to Socialism:
Elisee Reculus and Nineteenth-Century European
Anarchism. London: Croom Helm; reissued as:
The Geography of Freedom: The Odyssey of Elisee Reclus.
Toronto, Black Rose.
--- (1980). "Propaganda by the Deed: Terrorism and
Anarchist Theory in Late Nineteenth-Century
Europe". Terrorism. 4, 1-4.
Forman, J.D. (1975). Anarchism: Political Innocence
or Social Violence. New York: Watts.
Forman, M. (1998). Nationalism and the International Labor Movement: The
Idea of the Nation in Socialist and Anarchist Theory. University Park,
PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Fowler, R.B. (1972). "The Anarchist Tradition of
Political Thought", Western Political
Quarterly. 25, pp. 738-52.
Franks, B. (2012). "Between Anarchism and Marxism: the beginnings and ends of the
schism". Journal of Political Ideologies, v. 17, n. 2., pp. 207-227.
Freeman,J. (1982). Untying the Knot: Feminism,
Anarchism and Organization.London: Dark
Star; Rebel Press.
Frei, B. (1971). Die Anarchistiche Utopie: Freiheit u. Ordnung.
Frankfurt A. M.: Verl. Marxistische Blatter.
Frost, C. (1994). "Lessons from an Anarchist: The Prose of Philip Levine."
New England Review. 16, 4 (Fall 1994): p. 176.
Gallagher, D. (1988). All the Right Enemies: The Life
and Murder of Carlo Tresca. New Brunswick,
NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Gans, C. (1992). Philosophical Anarchism and
Political Disobedience. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Gay, K. and M. (1999). Encyclopedia of Political Anarchy.
Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
Gemie, Sharif (1994). "Counter-Community: An Aspect of Anarchist Political Culture."
Journal of Contemporary History. 29. April. pp. 349-67.
Goodway, D. (ed.) (1989). For Anarchism: History,
Theory, and Practice. London and New York:
Gordon, Uri (2007). Anarchy Alive! Anti-authoritarian Politics from
Practice to Theory. Pluto Press.
Goyens, Tom (2009). "Social Space and the Practice of Anarchist History,"
Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, 13, 4: pp. 439-457.
Graeber, David (2004). Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology. Chicago:
Prckly Paradigm Press.
Graham, Robert (ed.), (2005) Anarchism: A Documentary History
of Libertarian Ideas, Volume 1: From Anarchy to Anarchism
(300CE-1939), Montreal: Black Rose Books. WebLog.
Graham, M., ed. (1974). Man! An Anthology of Anarchist
Ideas, Essays, Poetry and Commentaries. London:
Cienfuegos Press.
Griffin, J. (1974). A structured Anarchism: An overview
of libertarian theory and practice. Oakland: Barricade Books.
Green, G. (1971). The New Radicalism: Anarchist Or Marxist?
New York: International Publishers.
Grottkau, Paul and Johann Most. Discussion über das Thema "Anarchismus
oder Communismus?" Geführt von Paul Grottkau und Joh. Most, am 24.
Mai 1884 in Chicago. Chicago: Das Central-Comite der Chicagoer Gruppen
der I.A.A., Office of the "Arbeiter-Zeitung" und der "Vorbote." 1884.
Grubacic, Andrej & Staughton Lynd (2008). Wobblies and Zapatistas:
Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism, and Radical History. PM Press.
Guerin, D. (1970). Anarchism. Translated by M.
Klopper. Introduction by N. Chomsky. New York:
Monthly Review Press.
Hamon, Augustine (1895). Psychologie de l'anarchiste-socialiste, Paris:
P. V. Stock.
Hapgood, H. (1909). An anarchist woman. New York:
Harrison, F. (1983). The modern state: an anarchist analysis.
Montreal: Black Rose Books.
Harper, C. (1987). Anarchy: A Graphic Guide. London:
Camden Press.
Harper, C., Gould, D., Cloves, J., eds. (1994). Visions of Poesy: An
Anthology of Twentieth Century Anarchist Poetry. London: Freedom Press.
Hartley, D (1995). "Communitarian Anarchism and Human Nature" Anarchist
Studies. Vol. 3, Number 2, pp. 145-64.
Hebde, Keith (2011). Dalit Theology and Christian Anarchism. Surrey, England:
Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
Heider, U. (1994). Anarchism: Left, Right, and
Green. San Francisco: City Lights Books.
Heintz, P. (1951). Anarchismus und Gegenwart. Zurich.
Hennacy, Ammon (1953). The Book of Ammon. [large pdf file]
--- (1954). Autobiography of a Catholic Anarchist. New York:
Catholic Workers Books. Preface by Scott L. Williams.
Herron, G. (1907). From Revolution to Revolution, Chicago: Charles
H. Kerr & Company.
Herzen, A. (1961). The Romantic Exiles
Boston: Beacon Press.
Hueglin, Thomas O. (1985). "Yet the Age of Anarchism?" Publius 15,
no. 2: 101-12.
Hobsbawm, E. J. (1973). Revolutionaries; contemporary essays.
New York: Pantheon Books. [Chapter on anarchists]
Hoffman, R.L. (1970). Anarchism. New York:
Atherton Press.
Holterman, T., and Maarseveen, H. Th. J. F. van. (1984). Law and
anarchism. Montreal, Quebec : Black Rose Books.
Hong, Nhat (n.d.). The Anarchist Beast: The Anti-
Anarchist Crusade in Periodical Literature
(1884-1906). Minneapolis, Minn: Haymarket
Horowitz, I.L. (ed.) (1964). The Anarchists. New
York: Dell Publishing Co.
House, J. (1993). "Anarchist or Esthete? Pissarro in the City." Art in
America. 81, 11 (Nov 1993): p. 80.
Huber, E. (1989). Anarchistisches Denken: zwischen
europaischer Tradition und amerikanischer Eigenart
(Anarchist thought: Between European tradition and
American innovation). Munchen: Kommissionsverlag,
Hunter, R. (1914). Violence and the Labor Movement. New York:
The Macmillan Company.
Hutton, J. G. (1994). Neo-Impressionism and the Search for Solid Ground: Art,
Science, and Anarchism in Fin-de-siecle France. Louisiana State University
James, C. L. (1886). A tract for the times: Anarchy.
Eau Claire, WS: Eau Claire Book & Stationery Co.
--- (1902). Origin of anarchism. Chicago: A. Isaak.
Jerome, J. (1974). Families of Eden: communes and the new
anarchism. New York: Seabury Press.
Joll, J. (1980). The Anarchists. London: Eyre and
Spottiswoode; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Judson, Howard Harold (1977). The Concept of Freedom in
Anarchist Thought. University of California, Santa Barbara.
Kedward, R. (1971). The Anarchists: The Men Who
Shocked an Era. London:
Kinna, Ruth (2005). Anarchism: A Beginner's Guide. Oxford, UK:
Oneworld Publications.
Kline, W. G. (1987). The individualist anarchists: a critique
of liberalism. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Krimerman, L.I. and Perry, L. (eds.) (1966). Patterns
of Anarchy. New York: Anchor Books.
Labadie, J. (1979). "Anarchism: What It Is and What It Is Not".
Reprinted in the dandelion, vol 3, no 12, Winter 1979.
Labadie, L. (1932). Anarchism. Detroit: The Labadie Shop.
--- (1933). Anarchism Applied to Economics. Detroit.
--- (1978). Selected Essays. Colorado Springs: Ralph Myles Puyblisher, Inc.
Latouche, P. (1908). Anarchy! An Authentic Exposition of the
Methods of Anarchists and the Aims of Anarchism. London:
Lee, V. [psued.] (1909). Gospels of anarchy, and other
contemporary studies. New York: Brentano's.
LeFevre, R.(1959). Anarchy. Colorado Springs, CO:
Freedom School.
Lehning, A. (1970). From Buonarroti to Bakunin.
Leiden, Netherlands: E.J.Brill.
Leibzon, B. M. (1970). Petty-bourgeois revolutionism (Anarchism,
Trotskyism and Maoism). Translated from the Russian by Don
Danemanis. Moscow, Progress Publishers.
Leighton, P. (1989). Re-Ordering the Universe: Picasso and Anarchism,
1897-1914. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Lester, J. C. (2000). Escape from leviathan: liberty, welfare, and
anarchy reconciled. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Linse, U. (1982). "'Propaganda by the deed' and
'Direct Action': Two Concepts of Anarchist Violence". In Social
Protest, Violence and Terror in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century
Europe. Edited by W.J. Mommsen and G. Hirschfeld. London: St. Martin's.
LLC, eds. (2010). Anarchist Academics. Books LLC.
Lum, D.D. (1890). The Economics of Anarchy.
New York: Twentieth Century Library.
Mackay, J. H. (1891). The anarchists: a picture of
civilization at the close of the nineteenth century.
Boston, MA: B. R. Tucker.
Madariaga, Salvador de (1937). Anarchy or hierarchy.
New York: Macmillan.
Malato, C. (1978). Filosophia del anarquismo.
Prologue by Carlos Diaz. Madrid: Ediciones
Manata, Gerald. (1972). Human roots of libertarianism; an
analysis of modern scientific political psychology.
Jericho, New York: Exposition Press.
Marcuse, Herbert. (1969). Uber Revolte: Anarchismus und Einsamkeit;
ein Gesprach. Zurich: Verlag Die Arche.
Marsh, Margaret (1981). Anarchist Women (1870-1920).
Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Marshall, P. (1992). Demanding the Impossible: A
History of Anarchism. London: Harper Collins;
Fontana Press, 1993.
--- (1994). William Blake: Visionary Anarchist. London:
Freedom Press.
Martin, James J. (1953). Men Against the State: The Expositors of
Individualist Anarchism in America, 1827-1908. Dekalb, IL:
Adrian Allen Associates.
Marx, K., Engels F., and Lenin. (1972). Anarchism and
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New York: International Publishers.
Maximoff, G.P. (1952). Constructive Anarchism.
Chicago: Maximoff Memorial Publishing Committee.
Foreword by George Woodcock. Translated by H. Frank
and Ada Siegel
May, Todd. (1994). The political philosophy of
poststructuralist anarchism. University Park, PA:
Pennsylvania State University Press.
McElroy, Wendy (2000). "The Schism Between Individualist and Communist Anarchism",
Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Fall).
Meijer, J. M. (1955). Knowledge and Revolution: The Russian Colony in
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Miller, D. (1984). Anarchism. London: Dent.
Mitchell, I. R. (1967). "The Anarchist Tradition in Latin America." Anarchy.
vol. 7 No. 9. pp. 261-273.
Morley, L. (1971). The progressive anarchist.
Wakefield: Onex Publications.
Molyneux, Stefan. Practical Anarchy. 1st ed. Freedomain Library, 2008. PDF
Munoz, Vladimiro (1980). Anarchists, a biographical encyclopedia.
New York: Gordon Press. Translated by Scott Johnson.
Nettlau, M. (1979). Anarchy Through the Times.
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--- (1982). A short history of Anarchism. Oakland:
Barricade Books.
Newman, Saul. (2001). From Bakunin to Lacan: anti-authoritarianism
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Nomad, Max. (1932). Rebels and renegades. New York:
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Novak, D. (1958). "The Place of Anarchism in the History of
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Nursey-Bray, P. (1992). Anarchist Thinkers and Thought:
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Osgood, H. (1889). Socialism and Anarchism. Boston, London:
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Paul, J. (1981) Reading Nozick: essays on Anarchy, state, and
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Work, Community, and Power, 49-87.
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Rapp, J. A. (1998). "Daoism and Anarchism Reconsidered," Anarchist Studies,
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--- (1939). A one man manifesto. Oakland: Barricade Books.
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Reichert, William O. (1976). Partisans of Freedom: A Study in American
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Ritter, A. (1980). Anarchism: A Theoretical Analysis.
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Rothbard, M. (1998). The Ethics of Liberty. New York: New York
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Anarchist Theorists
Michael Bakunin
Murray Bookchin
William Godwin
Emma Goldman
Peter Kropotkin
Errico Malatesta
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Anarchist Movements and Events
Haymarket Massacre
Paris Commune
Spanish Civil War
Great Britain
United States

Anarchist Anthologies

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Yiddish Anarchism Bibliography
