Advice to Those About to Emigrate Freedom: March, 1893, p. 14. [Lituanian version]
Anarchism: its philosophy and ideal. Originally published in French in 1896, English edition, San Francisco: 1898. [Czech version]
"Anarchism", from The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1910. [Romanian version] [Polish Version] [Portuguese Version]
Anarchist Morality
La Morale Anarchiste
Appeal to the Young Italian versions: Ai Giovani The original French version appeared as "Aux Jeunes Gens", Le Révolté, June 25; July 10; August 7, 21, 1880.
"Brain Work and Manual Work." The Nineteenth Century, March, 1890, pp. 456-475.
"The Coming Anarchy". The Nineteenth Century. XXII (126), August 1887, pp. 149-64. [pdf]
"The Coming War." The Nineteenth Century, 1913. [pdf]
The Commune of Paris
Communism and Anarchy
The Conquest of Bread
La conquista del pan [Spanish version]
La conquête du pain [French version]
A Conquista do Pão [pdf] [Portuguese version]
Audio book
"The Constitutional Agitation in Russia." The Nineteenth Century, January, 1905.
"Direct Action of Environment and Evolution." The Nineteenth Century. V. 85, pp. 70-89, 1919. [pdf]
Ethics: Origin and Development Introduction to French edition
Fields Factories and Workshops
"Finland: a Rising Nationality". The Nineteenth Century, 1885.
"The Fortress Prison of St Petersburg". The Nineteenth Century, June, 1883.
Freedom Pamphlet #4
The Great French Revolution, 1909.
"The Great French Revolution and its Lesson." The Nineteenth Century. 1889. V.25. pp. 838-51.
Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature
In Russian and French Prisons
"The Industrial Village of the Future." Nineteenth Century, 1888, pp. 513-530. [pdf]
Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets
Law and Authority
The Manifesto of the Sixteen (1916)
"Maxím Górk"
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Modern Science and Anarchism
Mutual Aid, 1902.
Project Guttenberg version
Audio Book
Mutual Aid was originally published as a series of articles in The Nineteenth Century:
"Mutual Aid Among Animals." The Nineteenth Century, September, 1890.
"Mutual Aid Among Animals." The Nineteenth Century, November, 1890.
"Mutual Aid Among Savages", The Nineteenth Century, April, 1891.
"Mutual Aid Among Barbarians", The Nineteenth Century, January, 1892.
"Mutual Aid in the Mediæval City." The Nineteenth Century, August, September 1894.
"Mutual Aid Amongst Modern Men." The Nineteenth Century, January, 1896.
"Mutual Aid Amongst Ourselves," The Nineteenth Century, June, 1896.
Related Articles Published After Mutual Aid:
"The ethical needs of the present day". The Nineteenth Century, August, 1904.
"The Morality of Nature", The Nineteenth Century, March, 1905.
"The Theory of Evolution and Mutual Aid," The Nineteenth Century, January, 1910.
"The Response of the Animals to Their Environment" Part 1, The Nineteenth Century, December, 1910.
"The Inheritance of Acquired Characters: Theoretical Difficulties", The Nineteenth Century, March 1912.
"Inherited Variation in Plants," The Nineteenth Century, October, 1914.
"Inherited Variation in Animals," The Nineteenth Century, November, 1915.
On Order
"On the Teaching of Physiography." Geographic Journal, vol. 2, pp. 350-359. [pdf]
Organised Vengeance Called “Justice”
The Place of Anarchism in Socialistic Evolution
The Present Crisis in Russia
Process Under Socialism
Proposed Communist Settlement: A New Colony for Tyneside or Wearside
Revolutionary Government
Revolutionary Studies
"Russian Schools and the Holy Synod," North American Review, Vol 174, No 454, April 1902, pp. 518-527.
"The Scientific Basis of Anarchy". The Nineteenth Century. XXI, February 1887, pp. 238-58. [pdf]
"Some of the Resources of Canada." The Nineteenth Century. March, pp. 494-514. [pdf]
The Spirit of Revolt Polish Version
The State: Its Historic Role
The Terror in Russia.
The Wage System
Wars and Capitalism
What Geography Ought To Be
Words of a Rebel
Kropotkin to Nettlau, March 5, 1902
Kropotkin to Alexander Berkman, November 20, 1908, re: Blast
Letter to Steffen on WWI, published in Freedom in 1914
Kropotkin to Marie Goldsmith in 1913
Kropotkin to Marie Goldsmith in 1916
Kroptokin to Lenin December 21, 1920
Kroptokin to Lenin March 4, 1920
The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Government:
Letter to the Workers of Western Europe