Ba Jin Bibliography 
By Ba Jin (Translated into English)
- Ba Jin. (1921). "Marine Sunrise."
- --- (1937). "Star"
- --- (1933). "Hong Kong Nights." [pdf]
- ----(1959). A battle for life: a full record of how the life of
- steel worker, Chiu Tsai-kang, was saved in the Shanghai Kwangrze Hospital. Beijing: Foreign Language Press.
- --- (1978). The Family. [trans. Sidney Shapiro; ill. Liu Tan-Chai]
- Beijing: Foreign Language Press.
- --- (1978). Cold Nights [trans. Nathan K. Mao] Hong Kong:
- Chinese University press.
- --- (1984). Random Thoughts [trans. Germie Barm&ecute;] Hong Kong:
- Joint Publishing Company. (Partial translation of Suizianglu)
- --- (1988). Selected works of Ba Jin [trans. Jock Hoe] Beijing:
- Foreign Language Press.
- --- (1954). Living Amongst Heroes Beijing: Foreign Language Press.
- --- (2005). "How to Build a Society of Genuine Freedom and Equality,"
- Semi-Monthly, No. 17, April 1, 1921, reprinted in Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, Volume 1: From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE-1939), ed. Robert Graham (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2005).
- --- (2005). "Patriotism and the Road to Happiness for the Chinese,"
- Awakening the People, No. 1, September 1, 1921, reprinted in Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, Volume 1: From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE-1939), ed. Robert Graham (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2005).
- --- (2005). "Anarchism and the Question of Practice," People's Bell,
- 1927, reprinted in Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, Volume 1: From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE-1939), ed. Robert Graham (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2005).
- --- (2008). The Autobiography of Ba Jin [trans. May-lee Chai] Indianapolis:
- University of Indianapolis Press
Ba Jin Stories in Collections
- Arzybasheff, M.(1927). "Morning Shadows?" in Tales of the Revolution.
- Tr. Percy Pinkerton. New York Huebsch.
- --- (1927)."Workingman Shevyrev." in Tales of the Revolution, tr. Percy
- Pinkerton. New York: Huebsch.
By Ba Jin (Translated into German)
- Ba Jin. (1985) Gedanken unter der Zeit [trans. Sabine Peschel,
- ed. Helmut Martin] Köln. (Partial translation of Suizianglu)
About Ba Jin
- Ayers, W. (1950). "Shanghai Labor and the May Thirtieth Movement,"
- Papers on China, 5:1-38. Harvard University, East Asian Research Center.
- Bao-Puo. (1925). "The Anarchist Movement in China: From a Letter of a
- Chinese Comrade." Tr. from the Russian, in Freedom. 39.423:4.
- --- (1953). "The Society for Literary Studies, 1921-1930." Papers on
- China. 7:34-79. Harvard University, East Asian Research Center.
- Briere, O., S. J. (1942). "Un romancier chinois contemporain Pa Kin."
- Bulletin de l'Universite de l'Aurore. Ser. 3, 3. 3:577-598. Shanghai.
- Chen Tan-chen. (1963). "Pa Chin the Novelist: An Interview."
- Chinese Literature. 6:84-92.
- Ch'en Chia-ai
. "Chung-kuo li-shih shang - chih an-na-ch'i-chu -i che
(Anarchists in Chinese history); in K'o-lu-p'ao-t'e-chin hsueh-shuo kai-yao. pp. 379-410.
- Gandin, Jean-Jacques, Pa Kin, le coq qui chantait dans la nuit
- Henshaw, Walter Marie, Sister, O.P. (1977). The influence of the
- Russian populist-anarchist movement on the Chinese revolution with evidence in Pa Chin's novel 'The family'. University of Wisconsin: unpublished dissertation.
- Hsin ch'ing-nien (1908). "Chinese Anarchist in Tokyo," Freedom, 22.23:52.
- Lang, Olga, (1967). Pa Chin and His Writings: Chinese Youth Between
- the Two Revolutions. Harvard University Press.
- Martin, H. and J. Kinkley, eds. (1992) Modern Chinese writers:
- self-portrayals. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
- Renditions Autumn 1992. No. 38. "Special issue on Twentieth Century
- Memoirs. Reminiscences by well-known literary figures, including Zhu Ziqing, Ba Jin, Lao She and Wang Xiyan."
Return from Silence: Five prominent and controversial Chinese writers speak on their roles in the modernization of China. (1 hour video cassette available): The life and work of five esteemed Chinese writers whose modern classics shaped China's past: Ba Jin, Mao Dun, Ding Ling, Cao Yu, and Ai Qing. Produced by Chung-wen Shih, George Washington University. 1982.