"Cold Off The Presses" is a growing collection of classic anarchist pamphlets and journals.
Click on a cover to open the issue.


Whole pamphlet as text
Virgila D'Andrea Tormento
John H. Babcock Slaves To Duty
George Barrett Objections to Anarchism
C. Berneri, Kropotkin: His Federalist Ideas

Tom Brown, The British General Strike
Eusebio C. Carbo, "La bancarrota fraudulenta del marxismo"
Volairine de Cleyre Anarchism and American Traditions
Gigi Danmiani Viva Rambolot!
Gaellani e Gori Primo Maggio 1886 Primo Maggio 1956
Emma Goldman, The Place of the Individual in Society
Hippolyte Havel Harry Kelley: An Appreciation
I Gruppi Anarchici della Valle della Antracite La Massoneria e il Fascismo
Leopoldo Kampf La Vigilia: Dramma in Tre Atti
Peter Kropotkin, The State: Its Historic Role
Peter Kropotkin, The Wage System
Peter Kropotkin, War!
Peter Kropotkin, Freedom Pamphlet #4
Peter Kropotkin, Law and Authority
Gaston Leval, Collectives in Spain
Malatesta Il Suffragio Universale

Malatesta on Organization, Fabbri on Libera Sperimentazione
Carlo Malato L'attentato di Matteo Morral
Ugo Malizia Dio, Religione, e Preti
Mama Berneri In Defense of Her Son
Mariuzza: La Voragine: La Grande Guerra -- Quello Che Coosta, Chi Paga
G.P. Maximoff, Syndicalists in the Russina Revolution
Giacomo Mesnil, Stirner, Nietzsche and Anarchism
L.A. Motler, Anarchist Communism In Plain English
Johann Most The Social Monster 1890
Max Nettlau Responsibility And Solidarity in the labor struggle
Max Nettlau La Responsabilita' e la Solidarieta' nella Lotta Operaia 1899 Italian version from Barre, VT. [pdf]
Wm. C. Owen, Anarchism versus Socialism
Isaac Puente, Libertarian Communism
Elisée Reclus, Evolution and Revolution
Rudolf Rocker, The Tragedy in Spain
Erte Sanchioni, What Is Anarchism
Alexander Trachtenberg, The Paris Commune
James L. Walker The Philosophy of Egoism
Fred Woodworth Anarchism: What is it? Is it practical or utopian? Is government necessary?
A comprehesive list of IWW pamphlets can be found on this link.