Socialism and the Pope
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and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for a wonderful and almost miraculous answer to my prayers. I had been out of employment for some time and, although I searched everywhere, I could not find another job- not even working for my meals. The fact that I am not a citizen of the United States made it much harder for me to find work as nearly everywhere I went the American citizen got the preference, a preference which is only right in these trying times of depression. I am only three years in this country, and as one has to be five years here before one can become a citizen it is easy to understand my plight. All my money was spent and I had no friends to whom I could turn to for support. There was nothing for me but starvation. I tramped New York's streets with very little to eat, no money, no work, and without a friend.
"I decided to make a Novena to the Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, asking Him to help me if it was His divine will and promising publication if my request was granted. My Novena finished on the 9th May and I got a good job on the 13th-one I never expected. Thanks to the Sacred Heart and His holy Mother!....-CLIENT OF THE SACRED HEART."
"IRELAND. DEAR REV. FATHER,- Will you please publish in your dear little MESSENGER my thanksgiving for favors received. Amongst the favors which I have received I might mention the following: Some time ago I was in great trouble which, if I did not get out of, might be the cause of ruining my prospects. I spent many a restless day and night until at last I had recourse to prayer, placing my whole trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His Blessed Mother, and promising if the favour were granted publication in the MESSENGER, of which I have been a reader since childhood. Thanks to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His Blessed Mother who heard my prayers and granted my request.
"Other favors have been granted me after promising to have them published in the MESSENGER. I attribute all to the divine help of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the intercession of Our Immaculate Mother for which I thank them most fervently.- A GRATEFUL SINNER."
"DEAR REV. FATHER,- I humbly ask of you to publish a most miraculous favour I received from the Sacred Heart through the MESSENGER, the true Catholic's most needful friend in the time of distress. For two years I was unemployed, I had searched everywhere for work and I had given up all hope. One day I took up a copy of the MESSENGER and read the thanksgivings and something urged me to fill in the Petition Form. I did, and six weeks later I got a wonderful position, it was the sort of work I had prayed for. I love the work and will never be able to thank the Sacred Heart enough, especially as there is so much idleness at the present time. I sincerely recommend the MESSENGER to every Catholic who is in despair, to have faith and pray to God, for there is surely an answer to prayer.-A FIRM BELIEVER IN THE SACRED HEART."
And then, although the quotation is made from a paper ten years later, our old friend, the hurling team, turns up again. Obviously, God approves of hurling!