Anarchist Theory

Questions and Answers

Question 1--100 points
The belief that society should be organized, without the intervention of a State, by individuals who are able to make free contracts with each other.

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What is Anarcho-Mutualism?

Question 2--200 points
"From each according to their ability, to each according to their work."

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What is Anarcho-Collectivism?

Question 3--300 points
The belief that the community should be the basis of society. Communal ownership of means of production and of consumption.

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What is Anarcho-Communism?

Question Four--400 points
The belief that strong unions would elipse the state and organize the means of production.

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What is Anarcho-Syndicalism?

Question 5--500 points
The belief that there is maddness in groups and that groups have the tendency to tyrannize. Autonomy is king.

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What is Anarcho-Individualism?