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Who Killed Carlo Tresca

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committee averred that it had no wish to cause Pagnucco to lose his job nor to embarrass him publicly; its only concern was to get him out of the Tresca case since manifestly because of his former associations he would always be handicapped in that inquiry. Perhaps some formula could be arrived at by which Pagnucco could step out of the Tresca picture without losing face.

Days passed without added word from Mr. Hogan. Then his office was informed that the committee could do only one thing- ask Governor Dewey to appoint a special prosecutor to take over the Tresca case- and that it was circulating a petition toward this end. Late in October it had gathered the signatures of 117 well-known men and women opposed to letting political murder go unpunished. The committee was on the point of submitting that petition to the Governor, with the intention of making it public as soon as it was in Mr. Dewey's hands. Then Mr. Hogan suddenly agreed to make a change in the conduct of the inquiry. Because of this, a letter was sent out on November 10, to all signers of the projected petition, explaining that Mr. Hogan, although not agreeing with the committee's contentions about Pagnucco, had consented to put Assistant District Attorney Eleazar Lipsky in direct charge of the Tresca investigation, under Mr. Grumet's supervision. "Mr. Pagnucco, because of his familiarity with the evidence and leads developed to date," the committee's letter read, "will assist Mr. Lipsky so that the progress and continuity of the investigation may not be hampered or interrupted in any way. Any new evidence or new witnesses will be handled by Mr. Grumet and Mr. Lipsky."

It was understood that the new inquiry promised by Mr. Hogan would begin at once. But November and December passed with no sign of action. Mr. Lipsky, who was supposed to have been relieved of his court house duties, was still kept busy with trial work. Not until after mid-January did he begin calling witnesses.

Meanwhile, on November 22, a reward of $5,000 was offered by "more than 100 friends of Carlo Tresca who want to see justice done in this case." This offer "for information leading to apprehension and conviction of those responsible for Tresca's death," and terminating January 11, 1947; was made in the Distract Attorney's office by Morris L. Ernst, John F. Finerty, and Justice Dorothy Kenyon.

A Call for Action!

At a memorial meeting held in Webster Hall on January 11, 1945, second anniversary of tresca's death, a resolution was unanimously adopted by 1,200 men and women who rose silently to a standing vote at the hour and minute when he was slain, calling for intensified action by the authorities, and demanding, as Chairman Bertram D. Wolre said, that the moral and political dim-out in New York be lifted as the physical dim-out had been.

Many of Carlo's friends are skeptical of there ever being any solution of this crime. So many political crimes remain unsolved, at least officially... Aldino Feliciani, an old friend and associate of Carlo,

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