the other, disorder and confusion. The latter he defined as capitalistic anarchy, such as was now witnesses, he said, in all parts of the world, in all conditions of society below the privileged classes which had already absorbed and monopolized all the opportunities of life and the means of existence, except merely to exist.
"To be without rulers and governors invested with authority to dictate to to others against their will and interests, he would say, is "philosophical anarchism, and the state of society which the church is constantly prognosticating will usher in the millennial period when all governments will be abolished and the principles of Christ, as taught by him of the brotherhood of man and the supreme fatherhood of the Creator, will be established. Man is the agency through whom this result will be achieved, as God works alone by such agencies; and, as without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins, I believe that the anarchism of the millennium, when there will be but one invisible ruler and all human governments overthrown, will be ushered in by the most stupendous and bloody revolution in the annals of time. Is it criminal to report the prophecy of the seers and inspired men of the sacred oracles? Am I to be executed for predicting that the period, when no ruler or law save the spirit of the Nazarene teacher of good-will on earth and peace to all men as the fruit of the golden rule of the then common brotherhood of man is soon to be inaugurated? Then incarcerate the incumbents of our pulpits, and again, as of yore, stone the prophets; for so stone they the prophets, even among his chose people, when sent to warn them of judgment to come.' "
"What was his action at the meeting at which the bomb was thrown?"
"There is no pretense that A. R. Parsons or that any one of the defendants threw or even knew of the throwing of the fatal bomb. They all condemned as supposed, although not proven, accessories, for there can be no accessories without a principle, and there was not even an attempt to prove who the principal was. He yet remains unknown, the circumstantial evidence much more strongly pointing to an agent of the stock exchanges through Pinkerton's mercenaries to break up the eight-hour movement by charging the offense on the leaders of that movement in Chicago than to these de-