A Comprehensive Anarchist Bibliography
Books and articles dealing with anarchism in general can be found here. Books and articles dealing with specific theorists and movements are linked to the appropriate archive sites.
A very select bibliography can be found here.
General Works
Aroldi, Cesare Enrico (1979). L'essenza dell'anarchismo. Catania:
Anarchist Gallery (1986). A brief history of anarchism in Greece.
Oakland: Barricade Books.
Anarchy (1987). A Decade of anarchy 1961-1970: selections
from the monthly journal Anarchy. London: Freedom Press.
Armand, E. (1962). Anarchism and Individualism; Three Essays.
Bristol: S. E. Parker.
Apter, D. and Joll, J. (eds.)(1971). Anarchism Today.
London: Macmillan; Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Avrich, P. (1988). Anarchist Portraits. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Baldelli, G. (1971). Social Anarchism. Chicago: Aldine,
Barber, B. (1939). Superman and common men; freedom, anarchy,
and the revolution. New York, NY: Praeger.
Barclay, H. (1982). People without Government: An
Anthropology of Anarchism. London: Kahn &
Averill with Cienfuegos Press.
--- (1994). Culture and Anarchism. New York, Freedom Press.
Barker, J. (1986). Individualism and Community: The
State in Marx and Early Anarchism. New York:
Greenwood Press.
Barrett, G. (1921). Objections to Anarchism. London:
Freedom Press.
Bayer, O. (1985). Anarchism and Violence: Severino Di
Giovanni in Argentina, 1923-1931. London:
Elephant Editions.
Berman, P. (1972). Quotations from the Anarchists.
New York: Praeger.
Berneri, M. L. (1951). Journey through Utopia. Boston:
Beacon Press.
Bonanno, A. M. (1976). Anarchism and the national
liberation struggle. Port Glasgow: Bratch Dubh
--- (1977). Critique of syndicalist methods: trade-unionism
to anarcho-syndicalism. Port Glasgow: Bratch Dubh
Bose, A. (1967). A history of anarchism. Calcutta: World
Bourne, R.S. (1947). The State. Resistance Press.
Brown, L. S. (1993). The Politics of Individualism:
Liberalism, liberal feminism and anarchism.
Montreal: Black Rose Books.
Carroll, J. (1974). Breakout from the Crystal Palace:
The Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner, Nietzsche,
Dostoevsky. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Carter, A. (1971). The Political Theory of Anarchism.
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Clark, J. (1984). The Anarchist Moment: Reflections
on Culture, Nature and Power. Montreal: Black
Rose Books.
Cole, G.D.H. (1954). A History of Socialist Thought.
Volume 2. Marxism and Anarchism. London:
Comfort, A. (1994). Against Power and Death: the Anarchist
Articles and Pamphlets of Alex Comfort. Edited
with an introduction by David Goodway. London: Freedom
Crowder, G. (1991). Classical Anarchism: The Political
Thought of Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, and
Kropotkin. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
D'Agostino, A. (1977). Marxism and the Russian
Anarchists. San Francisco: Germinal Press.
Damico, L. (1987). The Anarchist Dimension of
Liberation Theology. New York: Lang.
De Jasay, A. (1997). Against Politics: On Government,
Anarchy, and Politics. New York: Routledge.
De Leon, D. (1919). Socialism versus anarchism: a
lecture delivered at Boston, October 13, 1901.
New York: National Executive Committee, Socialist
Labor Party.
Dennison, Elizabeth Jane (1986). The dilemma of practicing
theory: Peter Kropotkin, Alexander Berkman, and "Propaganda
by the deed".
Doctor, A.H. (1964). Anarchist Thought in India.
Bombay: Asia Publishing House.
Dulles, J.W. (1973). Anarchists and Communists in
Brazil, 1900-1935. Austin: University of
Texas Press.
Durant, Will (1914). Socialism and Anarchism. New York:
A. and C. Boni.
Edwards, P. (1997). Pathways to anarchism. Brookfield,
Vt.: Ashgate.
Ehrlich, H., Ehrlich, C., DeLeon, D. and Morris, G.,
eds. (1974). Reinventing Anarchy: What Are
Anarchists Thinking These Days? London; Boston:
Routledge & K. Paul.
Elliott, W. (1928). The pragmatic revolt in politics;
syndicalism, fascism, and the constitutional state.
New York: Macmillan.
Ellul, J. (1991) Anarchy and Christianity [Anarchie
et christianisme]; translated by Geoffrey
W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans.
Eltzbacher, P. (1960). Anarchism: Exponents of the
Anarchist Philosophy. trans. S.T. Byington,
ed. J.J. Martin. Plainview NY: Books for
Libraries, 1972; New York: B.R. Tucker, 1908.
Encyclopedie Anarchiste. (1934) Paris : Librairie
Fenn, Richard (1979). The Spirit of Revolt: Anarchism and
the Cult of Authority. New York, Rowman and Littlefield.
Fischler, S. and J. Sucher, producers and directors (1997).
Free voice of labor--the Jewish anarchists. [videorecording]
New York, NY: Cinema Guild.
Fleming, M. (1979). The Anarchist Way to Socialism:
Elisee Reculus and Nineteenth-Century European
Anarchism. London: Croom Helm; reissued as:
The Geography of Freedom: The Odyssey of Elisee Reclus.
Toronto, Black Rose.
--- (1980). "Propaganda by the Deed: Terrorism and
Anarchist Theory in Late Nineteenth-Century
Europe". Terrorism. 4, 1-4.
Forman, J.D. (1975). Anarchism: Political Innocence
or Social Violence. New York: Watts.
Fowler, R.B. (1972). "The Anarchist Tradition of
Political Thought", Western Political
Quarterly. 25, pp. 738-52.
Freeman,J. (1982). Untying the Knot: Feminism,
Anarchism and Organization.London: Dark
Star; Rebel Press.
Gallagher, D. (1988). All the Right Enemies: The Life
and Murder of Carlo Tresca. New Brunswick,
NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Gans, C. (1992). Philosophical Anarchism and
Political Disobedience. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Goodway, D. (ed.) (1989). For Anarchism: History,
Theory, and Practice. London and New York:
Graham, M., ed. (1974). Man! An Anthology of Anarchist
Ideas, Essays, Poetry and Commentaries. London:
Cienfuegos Press.
Griffin, J. (1974). A structured Anarchism: An overview
of libertarian theory and practice. Oakland: Barricade Books.
Green, G. (1971). The New Radicalism: Anarchist Or Marxist?
New York: International Publishers.
Guerin, D. (1970). Anarchism. Translated by M.
Klopper. Introduction by N. Chomsky. New York:
Monthly Review Press.
Harrison, F. (1983). The modern state: an anarchist analysis.
Montreal: Black Rose Books.
Harper, C. (1987). Anarchy: A Graphic Guide. London:
Camden Press.
Hartley, D (1995). "Communitarian Anarchism and Human
Nature" Anarchist Studies. Vol. 3, Number 2,
pp. 145-64.
Heider, U. (1994). Anarchism: Left, Right, and
Green. San Francisco: City Lights Books.
Heintz, P. (1951). Anarchismus und Gegenwart. Zurich.
Hobsbawm, E. J. (1973). Revolutionaries; contemporary essays.
New York: Pantheon Books. [Chapter on anarchists]
Hoffman, R.L. (1970). Anarchism. New York:
Atherton Press.
Hong, Nhat (n.d.). The Anarchist Beast: The Anti-
Anarchist Crusade in Periodical Literature
(1884-1906). Minneapolis, Minn: Haymarket
Horowitz, I.L. (ed.) (1964). The Anarchists. New
York: Dell Publishing Co.
Huber, E. (1989). Anarchistisches Denken: zwischen
europaischer Tradition und amerikanischer Eigenart
(Anarchist thought: Between European tradition and
American innovation). Munchen: Kommissionsverlag,
James, C. L. (1886). A tract for the times: Anarchy.
Eau Claire, WS: Eau Claire Book & Stationery Co.
--- (1902). Origin of anarchism. Chicago: A. Isaak.
Jerome, J. (1974). Families of Eden: communes and the new
anarchism. New York: Seabury Press.
Joll, J. (1980). The Anarchists. London: Eyre and
Spottiswoode; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Judson, Howard Harold (1977). The Concept of Freedom in
Anarchist Thought. University of California, Santa Barbara.
Kedward, R. (1971). The Anarchists: The Men Who
Shocked an Era. London:
Krimerman, L.I. and Perry, L. (eds.) (1966). Patterns
of Anarchy. New York: Anchor Books.
Latouche, P. (1908). Anarchy! An Authentic Exposition of the
Methods of Anarchists and the Aims of Anarchism. London:
Lee, V. [psued.] (1909). Gospels of anarchy, and other
contemporary studies New York: Brentano's.
LeFevre, R.(1959). Anarchy. Colorado Springs, CO:
Freedom School.
Lehning, A. (1970). From Buonarroti to Bakunin.
Leiden, Netherlands: E.J.Brill.
Linse, U. (1982). "'Propaganda by the deed' and
'Direct Action': Two Concepts of Anarchist
Violence". In Social Protest, Violence
and Terror in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-
Century Europe. Edited by W.J. Mommsen
and G. Hirschfeld. London: St. Martin's.
Lum, D.D. (1890). The Economics of Anarchy.
New York: Twentieth Century Library.
Mackay, J. H. (1891). The anarchists: a picture of
civilization at the close of the nineteenth century.
Boston, MA: B. R. Tucker.
Madariaga, Salvador de (1937). Anarchy or hierarchy.
New York: Macmillan.
Malato, C. (1978). Filosophia del anarquismo.
Prologue by Carlos Diaz. Madrid: Ediciones
Manata, Gerald. (1972). Human roots of libertarianism; an
analysis of modern scientific political psychology.
Jericho, New York: Exposition Press.
Marsh, Margare. (1981). Anarchist Women (1870-1920).
Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Marshall, P. (1992). Demanding the Impossible: A
History of Anarchism. London: Harper Collins;
Fontana Press, 1993.
Marx, K., Engels F., and Lenin. (1972). Anarchism and
anarcho-syndicalism. (Selected writings).
New York: International Publishers.
Maximoff, G.P. (1952). Constructive Anarchism.
Chicago: Maximoff Memorial Publishing Committee.
Foreword by George Woodcock. Translated by H. Frank
and Ada Siegel
May, Todd. (1994). The political philosophy of
poststructuralist anarchism. University Park, PA:
Pennsylvania State University Press.
Miller, D. (1984). Anarchism. London: Dent.
Morley, L. (1971). The progressive anarchist.
Wakefield: Onex Publications.
Munoz, Vladimiro (1980). Anarchists, a biographical encyclopedia.
New York: Gordon Press. Translated by Scott Johnson.
Nettlau, M. (1979). Anarchy Through the Times.
New York: Gordon.
--- (1982). A short history of Anarchism. Oakland:
Barricade Books.
New York (State) Legislature, Joint Committee
Investigating Seditious Activities (1920).
Revolutionary Radicalism: Its History Purpose
and Tactics.... Albany: J.B. Lyon.
Nomad, Max. (1932). Rebels and renegades. New York:
The Macmillan Company.
--- (1939). Apostles of Revolution. Boston:
Little, Brown.
--- (1966). "The Anarchist Tradition". In The
Revolutionary Internationals. Edited by M.M.
Drachkovitch. Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press.
Novak, D. (1958). "The Place of Anarchism in the History of
Political Thought". The Review of Politics. 20 (July).
Nozick, Robert. (1974). Anarchy, state, and utopia. New
York: Basic Books.
Nursey-Bray, P. (1992). Anarchist Thinkers and Thought:
an annotated bibliography.
Oliver, H. (1983). The International Anarchist
Movement in Late Victorian London. London:
Osgood, H. (1889). Socialism and Anarchism. Boston, London:
Ginn & Company.
Ossar, M. (1980). Anarchism In The Dramas Of Ernst Toller
New York: State University of New York Press.
Osterfeld, D. (1983). Freedom, society, and the state: an
investigation into the possibility of society without
government. Lanham, MD: U.P. of America.
Parsons, A.R. (1887). Anarchism: Its Philosophy and
Scientific Basis. Chicago. Westport: Greenwood,
Paul, J. (1981) Reading Nozick: essays on Anarchy, state, and
Utopia. Edited, with an introduction, by Jeffrey Paul.
Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
Pennock, J.R. and Chapman, J.W. (eds.) (1978). Nomos
XIX: Anarchism New York: New York University
Perlin, T.M. (1979). Contemporary Anarchism.
Brunswick, NJ:
Plekhanov, G.V. (1909). Anarchism and Socialsm.
Chicago: C.H. Kerr & Co.
Purchase, G. (1997). Anarchism And Ecology.
New York: Black Rose Books.
Purkis, J and Bowen, J., eds. (1997). Twenty-First Century
Anarchism: Unorthodox Ideas For a New Millennium.
New York: Cassel.
Read, H. E., Sir. (1938) Poetry and anarchism.
London: Faber and Faber. Second edition, London:
Freedom Press, 1947.
--- (1939). A one man manifesto. Oakland: Barricade Books.
--- (1947). The philosophy of anarchism.
London: Freedom Press; New York: distributed by
Libertarian League.
--- (1971) Anarchy and order: essays in politics.
Introd. by Howard Zinn. Boston: Beacon Press.
Reiman, Jefferey H. (1972). In defense of political philosophy;
a reply to Robert Paul Wolff's In defense of anarchism.
New York: Harper & Row.
Ritter, A. (1980). Anarchism: A Theoretical Analysis.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rocker, R. (). Anarcho-Syndicalism Phoenix Press.
Roussopoulos, D. (1986-1990). The Anarchist Papers 1,
2 & 3. Montreal: Black Rose Press.
Runkle, G. (1972). Anarchism, Old and New. New
York: Delacorte Press.
Russell, B. (1919). Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism
Anarchism, and Syndicalism. New York: H.Holt & Co.
Schaak, M.J. (1889). Anarchy and Anarchists. Chicago:
F.J. Schulte.
Schulder, F (1899). The Relation of Anarchism to Organization.
Cleveland, Horace E. Carr.
Schuster, E.M. (1970). Native American Anarchism: A study of
left-wing American individualism. NY: Da Capo Press.
Seele, Melchior.(1940). Anarchism...A Solution to World Problems:
A Presentation of Ten Essays. Los Angeles: MAN.
Sergent, A. and C. Harmel (1949). Histoire de L'anarchie.
Paris: Le Portulan.
Shatz, M., Ed.(1971). The Essential Works of Anarchism.
New York: Bantom Books.
Shaw, B. (1893). The impossibilities of anarchism. London:
The Fabian Society.
Shaw, B. (1960). Anarchism versus state socialism.
Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Oriole Press.
Simmons, A. (1993). On the edge of anarchy: Locke, consent,
and the limits of society. Princeton, N.J: Princeton
University Press.
Sonn, R.D. (1989). Anarchism and Cultural Politics in
Fin de Siècle France. Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press.
--- (1992). Anarchism. (New York: Twayne Publishers.
Stammler, R. (1894). Die Theorie des Anarchismus. Berlin.
Taylor, M. (1976). Anarchy and Cooperation London
and New York: Wiley.
--- (1982). Community, Anarchy and Liberty.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
--- (1987). The Possibility of Cooperation. New
York: Cambridge University Press (rev.ed. of
Anarchy and Cooperation, 1976).
Thomas, P. (1980). Karl Marx and the Anarchists.
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Vinas, D. (1983). Anarquistas en America Latina.
Mexico, D.F.: Editorial Katun.
Vizetelly, E.A. (1911). The Anarchists. London:
John Lane; reprint, New York: Kraus, 1972.
Walter, N. (1969). About Anarchism. London:
Freedom Press.
Ward, C. (1973) Anarchy in Action.
--- (1987). A Decade of Anarchy, 1961-70: Selections
from the Monthly Journal 'Anarchy". London:
Weir, D.(1947).Anarchy & culture: the aesthetic
politics of modernism.. Amherst: University of
Massachusetts Press.
Weisbord, A. (1937). The Conquest of Power; liberalism, anarchism,
syndicalism, socialism, fascism, and communism.
New York: Covici-Friede.
White, J. (1980). The Meaning of Anarchism.
Sanday: Cienfuegos Press.
Wolff, J. (1991). Robert Nozick: property, justice, and the
minimal state. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
Wolff, R.P. (1976). In Defense of Anarchism. New York:
Harper Colophon.
Woodcock, G. (1942). New Life to the land.
London: Freedom Press.
--- (1963). Anarchism: A History of
Libertarian Ideas and Movements. Harmondsworth,
England: Penguin.
--- (1977). The Anarchist Reader. London: Fontana.
--- (1992). Anarchism and Anarchists: Essays.
Kingston, Ontario: Quarry Press.
Zenker, E. V. (1895). Der Anarchismus. Kritische
geschichte der anarchistischen theorie. Jena, G. Fischer.
Zenker, E.V. (1898). Anarchism: A Criticism and History of
the Anarchist Theory. Methuen.
Anarchist Theorists
Michael Bakunin
Murray Bookchin
William Godwin
Emma Goldman
Peter Kropotkin
Errico Malatesta
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Anarchist Movements and Events
Haymarket Massacre
Paris Commune
Spanish Civil War
Great Britain
United States

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