(2) A. may be of opinion that the B. scheme is useless, but, recognising the value of B's help, it may be willing to budge a few yards, and so effect a compromise with B.
(3) A., finding it can get no help from B. unless it gives way altogether, may do so, believing that the help thus obtained is worth more than the sacrifice of position.
These are, I think, the three courses open to A. The same three are open to B. I will leave it to the reader to combine the two, and I think he will find the result will be either —
(1) That the bridge is built in the A. position, with, we will say, the half-hearted support of B.; or (2) The same thing, but with letters A. and B. reversed; or (3) The bridge is built somewhere between, with the partial support of both parties; or (4) Each party pursues its own course, independent of the other.
In any case it will be seen, I hope, that the final structure will be representative, and that, on the other hand, if one party was able to force the other to pay for what it did not want, the result would not be representative or just.
The usefulness of this somewhat dreary argument will be seen if it be applied not merely to bridge-building but to all the activities of life. By so doing we are able to imagine growing into existence a state of society where groups of people work together so far as they agree, and work separately when they do not. The institutions they construct will be in accord with their wishes and needs. It will indeed be representative. How different is this from the politician's view of things, who always wants to force the people to co-operate in running his idea of society!
No. 14.
What would you do with the criminal ?
There is an important question which should come before this, but which our opponents never seem to care to ask. First of all, we have to decide who are the criminals, or rather, even before this, we have to come to an understanding as to who is to decide who are the criminals? To-day the rich man says to the poor man: "If we were not here as your guardians you